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Soul Survivors
The Soul Survivors are the band of adventurers followed in the Tales of Terramir campaign.
ANton Darghost
Human, Battlemaster Fighter (8) / Paladin (1)
Once a proud member of the Domaarian Empire's Imperial Army, Anton is a low-born human warrior with a gruff exterior and a heart of gold. After rescuing Gemma Ashenlyte from Domaarian Knights, he's sworn to protect her from harm. Having finally left the empire behind, he's interested in dedicating his skills to Sehanine, goddess of peace and moonlight.
In combat, Anton wields various arms, specializing in dual wielding shortswords – or leading the charge with his glowing Ria-touched longsword. He also wears magical armor, the legendary Plate of the Arch Heart. Recently, he's felt the touch of divine magic flowing through him.
Protector Aasimar, Wild Magic Sorcerer (9)
Hailing from the small town of Halcyon, Gemma is a young girl who went from tending her simple farm and exploring the nearby Golden Thicket to becoming a fugitive arcanist overnight. She aims to stick beside her fatherlike figure, Anton, and find a means of controlling her wild, innate sorcery. After discovering her celestial origins – and the history behind her parents – she seeks to attend the legendary school of the arcane arts, the Arcana Aeternum, in the Kingdom of Khorir.
Gemma can hurl motes of energy and unleash powerful forces of arcane magic against her enemies, growing more powerful based on her emotions. She's attuned to a dark crystal, a Shadowfell shard, that once belonged to her mother, using it to focus and harness her powers.
Gem Dragonborn, Blood Hunter (9)
Raised by humans on Deerhaven Farm, Willa is an amethyst gem dragonborn. Despite her destructive blood magic – including the ability to transform into a hybrid wyvern – she keeps the group in high spirits with her innocent, peppy attitude. After learning more about the order that "blessed" her with the curse of lycanthropy, she's currently following a trail of clues in hopes of discovering her true origin.
Willa is adept with her Maul of Hell-Ice, which she acquired after defeating Malvach, a bone devil in the Nine Hells. She wears strong armor made of adamantine metal and can use magic to curse her enemies. In her evolved hybrid form, she is a truly terrifying force on the battlefield.
Inactive Members
The following are characters that once traveled as a Soul Survivor in the Tales of Terramir campaign but have diverted for various reasons.
Sea Elf, Cleric (Life Domain)
A sea elf from the depths of the Norian Sea, Sovemil is a dedicated cleric and follower of Qa'thalia, goddess of water and healing. One of the original members of the Soul Survivors, Sovemil was making his way through the Domaarian Empire on a mission to retrieve a magical artifact before he was tricked into being captured. He is now being held captive within the volcano Khorir.
Good-natured, kind, and a little strange, Sovemil has found a passion in tasting land-based cuisine. He works to protect his friends from harm with his healing and divine magic spells. Though he keeps a trident handy for close encounters, he prefers to attack enemies from afar with his sniper-like crossbow.
Pangenan Human, Soulknife Rogue
Originating from the mysterious and aloof nation of Pangenan, Raz'sik is a member of a secret order of psychic assassins and thieves, called The Knives. Having had many of his memories removed, he finds faith in his devotion to his country, trusting in himself to complete whatever mission is presented to him. On the eve of a massive battle, Raz'sik quickly left the party behind to pursue a mysterious order from his people.
Indecisive, and often brash, Raz'sik is a human rogue with psychic abilities. He is able to summon and harness daggers of psionic energy, which he can throw or stab through his opponents. 
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