Cast & Crew

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Wes Ford is the creator of Terramir, having resurrected and revitalized a homebrew fantasy world from his high school tabletop days. A passionate nerd and lover of storytelling, he’s been playing and running roleplaying games for over 22 years. When he’s not playing pretend with his friends, he’s editing videos for an advertising studio or hanging out with his wife, daughter, and their dog Daisy in Detroit, Michigan.

Wes is the current Game Master and Executive Producer for the Tales of Terramir campaign as well as the player behind the lovable Sovemil Donkiir. In the prequel mini-series, Veiled Threats, Wes performs as Kalador Tricksilver.
Having dabbled with D&D once upon a time, Mike Dones has been back in and fully immersed ever since Wes invited him to one of his 5e tabletop sessions a few years ago. He now plays in several dedicated games, and after having many days of high adventure, he's recently started DMing his first campaign and is also the GM for his group's Call of Cthulhu scenarios. Mike enjoys the Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror genres and squeezes in time to play video games when he's not being a rad dad to his two daughters in Orlando, Florida.

Mike is an Executive Producer for Tales of Terramir and plays as Gemma Ashenlyte. He is also the Game Master for the exciting new side story, called Tales of Terramir: Veiled Threats.
Hannah Nye is a Harvest Moon enthusiast, mochi lover, and kawaii connoisseur. She’s been playing D&D for a handful of years now and enjoys creating stories with her friends. She currently lives in Orlando, Florida with her husband.

Hannah is the designer of Tales of Terramir's user interface and various other aspects of the art and design. She plays as Willa Kettlewhistle in the campaign and Vestele Chalfax in the Veiled Threats mini-series.
Justin Kirkwood is a reformed Florida man living in Seattle and is relatively new to the RPG world. His hobbies include constantly forgetting where to find things on his character sheet, over-writing backstories, and asking comrades to spend their turns healing him. When he's not having a blast with Tales of Terramir, he can be found hunting for VHS tapes to deconstruct on his YouTube channel, VHSaves.

Justin plays as Anton Darghost in the campaign and as Tygon O'Poole in the Veiled Threats mini-series.
Charlie Peter
Charlie is a producer of Tales of Terramir and the leading technician behind the scenes for our live, streamed episodes. He lives in Orlando, Florida, working as a remote game programmer.
He hosts the Talkin' Terramir talk show and recently made an appearance as a guest player in the campaign, performing as Thadius Jilmminer.
Daniel Joyce
Daniel is a producer of Tales of Terramir and the assistant technician behind the scenes for our live, streamed episodes. He lives in Los Angeles, California and has worked as a live technician for broadcasts, including The Oscars, CMT Awards, The Grammy's, and many more!
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